Book Review by LITEROMA PUBLISHING SERVICES :: 'Different Shades of Women' by NS Ravi

** Thanks to the author for gifting us a review copy of the book. **

In the last few decades a lot of discussions have happened around the multiple dimensions of womanhood. Different people approached and treated the subject differently. Author N S Ravi in a never-like-before attempt used short stories as the medium to paint “different shades of women”.

The book consists of 8 short stories – each story revolves around a specific aspect of womanhood. It tells stories of daughters, sisters, daughters-in law and women as a whole. All the characters are well established and looked authentic.

The other praiseworthy aspect is the pattern used to name the lead characters. The daughter-in-law is named Lakshmi and a lady with inherent strength is named  Savitri.

The cover page of the book is good but real models could have been avoided with sillhoutes or painted figures. The only area of improvement for the book is its title which sounds too direct with respect to the contents. Rest everything makes it a perfect read for you. 

Overall, it’s a 4.9*/5* kind-of-a book for its relevant content, innovative representation and near-perfect execution.   


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