Book Review by LITEROMA PUBLISHING SERVICES :: ‘Principles of Success Made Easy’ by Dr. Roopleen (7th Review)

** Thanks to the author for gifting us a review copy of the book. **

** Thanks to our reviewer Mr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

We now a days have the habit of glancing through books, biopics, documentaries of great people to take snippets of what worked well for such successful people from diverse field and start striving to implement those processes in our lives at our fancies, without even analyzing if those processes, those circumstances those stages of life are akin to ours and hence many a time we face a failure. As “Life is too short to learn by trial and errors”, now here comes a gift from Roopleen to the society at large.

I would really want to acknowledge this as a gift as like a seasoned motivational speaker Roopleen here doesn’t talk about the solution only here she first tries to analyze the problem statement, find the gap and then elaborate the solution through her fourteen step journey formula to success. Success like Perfection is an ongoing process at whatever stage of life we are at present or whether society, our friends and family or we ourselves think of us as successful till now, still we want to be more successful in the future. Now the future journey of success is exclusive of the fact whether in your previous endeavor you were successful or not. So this book by Roopleen would help one and all irrespective of their current standing.

One significant praise worthy perspective of the book is that this book talks or raw principles, how to apply them in a very presentation like fluid format keep the audience in the coveted judges seat throughout and here “you are your best judge”.

Recommendation to author would be to try and reduce speaker like rhetoric questioning in piece of literature if possible in future, as that goes very well in face to face conversation however dilutes the literary gravity of the book.

Overall, would rate the book as 4.2*/5* and the reviewer would personally like to thank Roopleen in taking all the effort in gift society with this book which would definitely “Optimize their I-sight and help their earn their own success”. 


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