Promotional Book Review of ‘Clandestine Waters’ by Sumit Vanjani (4th Review)

** Thanks to our reviewer Mr. Suman for doing a promotional review of the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Thanks to Literoma and Author for gifting a review copy of the book. ‘Clandestine waters’ is the first novella from a seasoned speaker turned debutante author Sumit Vanjani. Literoma Publishing Services deserve a note of appreciation for helping this speaker out to become a published author.

Neha as a desirable lady and Atul as a regular IT guy looked authentic. The narration is smooth – the reader can pick up this novella and complete it during one cab ride. Sumit had done a fairly good job in ensuring the story gets over before the readers gets bore.

However, the story has quite a few opportunities for improvement. The time spent to build the climax and the time spent to bring the story to an end looked highly disproportionate – the end was quite abrupt. It was more of a sudden jerk than of a twist. The trigger of break-up and the subsequent explanations seemed way too cinematic for a novella. Also, the book is not devoid of professional editing loopholes. Anyways, looking at the character building and storytelling skill of the author, we are confident these points will be taken care of in his future ventures.

Overall, ‘Clandestine Waters’ is a must read for story lovers – especially for the young readers who can easily relate to the story characters.      


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