Book Review :: ‘Nature Anthology’ Compiled & Edited by Subrata Bandyopadhyay (1st Review)

** Thanks to our reviewer Sabyasachi Mukherjee for sharing a lovely review of the book. **

Thanks to Literoma Publishing Services and Editor for gifting a review copy of the book. Anthology is a genre which I personally like to read whenever I get some time. Reasons being it carries a wide range of interpretation of the topic and various flavor of those mellows.

Nature by itself is a diverse topic. I am an avid admirer of the diversity of nature. May it be of the Nature around us or the Nature within us I like it most when it’s full of diversity. So I was wondering with the book in my hand will it be as diverse as I find nature. Going through the pages of this anthology I was spell bound on how many different flavors and glimpses and mellows of nature is captured within the covers.

Worth appreciating would be the diaspora of thoughts of authors who themselves has come from various diverse geography, ages, gender, socio economic background and walks of life and also the creativity through which the order of presentation those thoughts. Anthology necessarily might not have any chronology, however going from Reetwika Banerjee’s Line of Vision to Subrata Bandopadhyay’s Oley Chadda reader would not only experience Nature but also could feel the presence of a thread that is binding the garland.

From the loving love of London and Paris to witnessing the ethereal splendor of spring to the learning opportunities from moon and the misty nights in Darjeeling to the paintings of love this book is a Nature by itself. Some of the authors are writing for the first time, some are repeat authors – seasoning their creative skills in Anthology genre some are established author hence the literary quality is different which does not play a spoil however adds gradient to the hues of visionary depicted by words. Whatever be the writing style conventional, free style, contemporary, the clarity of vison of nature for  each one of them in their way makes them all flowers of same size for this wonderful garland. Recommendation to editor and publisher would be to nurture and bring out more and more such wonderful publication on various topic.

Overall, would rate the book as 4.5*/5* and the reviewer would personally like to thank all the authors editor and publishing house in taking all the effort in gift us with so many wonderful interpretation of nature.


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