Promotional Book Review of ‘Isle of Mysteries’ by Kiran Das (3rd Review)

** Thanks to our reviewer for doing a promotional review of the book on behalf of Literoma. **

** Thanks to Author for gifting a review copy of the book to the reviewer.**

‘Isle of Mysteries’ is the first novella from a IT professional turned debutante author Kiran Das. Literoma Publishing Services deserve a note of appreciation for helping this techie out to become a published author.

All the characters in the story looked dazzling in a fantasy world like the Game of Thrones. The narration is smooth. Readers can pick up this novella and complete it easily in one quick shot. Kiran has done a fairly good job in ensuring that the story gets over well before the readers gets bored.

Overall, ‘Isle of Mysteries’ is a must read for fantasy lovers – especially for the young readers who can easily relate to the fictional characters.


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