Promotional Book Review of ‘Isle of Mysteries’ by Kiran Das (4th Review)

** Thanks to our reviewer for doing a promotional review of the book on behalf of Literoma. **

** Thanks to Author for gifting a review copy of the book to the reviewer.**

This is a brilliant book by a first time author Kiran and a page turner in truth. I completed reading this book in just a single sitting. My teenager son's immediate response seeing the book cover stands as the testimony of its aptness. The title too is very catchy. Personally speaking owing to my age I am not much a fantasy reader these days but when Literoma gifted me this book for review, I somehow pushed myself to give a try. But did not realize when I got done with the book. The plot is filmy as rightly said by author and his cinematic inspirations are clearly visible throughout his writing. The clues he left all across the plot were very smart and well knitted at the end. As a suggestion, I would recommend the author to also take inspirations from our legendary Indian classics of similar genre so that the subplots are more relevant to Indian readers.

Will strongly recommend this book ‘Isle of Mysteries’ for young adult fiction reading.


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