Promotional Book Review of ‘Isle of Mysteries’ by Kiran Das (5th Review)

** Thanks to our reviewer for doing a promotional review of the book on behalf of Literoma. **

** Thanks to Author for gifting a review copy of the book to the reviewer.**

‘Isle of Mysteries’ is a debut book by the author Kiran Das, and hearty congratulations to both the author and Literoma for bringing out Kiran's amateur scribbles in the form of a published novella. It’s a very crisp plot of less than 100 pages so you can enjoy a fast read. The title and cover are no doubt attractive and go well with the theme. But as a critic, however keeping aside all other emotions, I had rather a mixed feeling while glancing my eyes through the pages.

The plot brings in young adult fantasy outlines with a vivid description of pre-Independent India and the struggles it had embraced during early freedom movements. The plot is knitted well against the backdrop of action filled pirate attacks, treasure hunt and bloodsheds. The unconventional storyline offers a refreshing change to its readers. There is a space for improvement in the author's narration style though. The climax of the story is gripping and the author keeps the pace till the end.

Will like to recommend this book ‘Isle of Mysteries’ for new readers rather than seasoned ones as it might sound too simple a storyline compared to similar ones available in the market.


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