Book Review by LITEROMA PUBLISHING SERVICES :: "Ballad of a Belle" by Rahul Tushar

** Thanks to the author for sharing a review copy of the book.**

** Thanks to our reviewer Tarun Kumar for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

‘Ballad of a Belle’ is a debut novel written by globe trotter Mr. Rahul Tushar. Born to a family of broadcasters, the novelist seems to be perfectly in love with his family tradition and that gets reflected through his creative imaginations found in the book. There is a murder which happens at the end. Surrounding the tipping point, the author has joined the subplots and modus operandi of the assassination so realistically that makes the novel a truly engrossing read.

Author being a travel freak and hill top lover, has beautifully crafted the background of the novel in Kashmir, shared so many unknown sides of the paradise, connecting each dot at the end. Indian characters of Aarti, Dileep, Arun and Priya have been carefully built to coincide with the climax. So is the non-Indian character Stan. It becomes extremely difficult for an author to maintain realism of mixed breed leads if he has not himself seen them closely. Rahul excelled at this point I must say. His extensive interracial mingling helped him juggling with the ethnicities and metro cities across globe. 

In this world of self published books, it has become really difficult to pick a quality book, and this being a novel of thriller genre had made me skeptical even before I started reading it. But my ideas changed as I kept flipping through the pages and at the end discovered an awesome storyline, not only fresh but also portrays quite innovative reasons of murder. As an avid reader of thriller-detective genre I believe, no English thriller is free from Agatha Christie's shadow, but Rahul has brought in some freshness for sure.

Overall, I will rate the novel as 4.7*/5* and strongly recommend for thriller lovers. If you enjoy complex modern plots, then this is your pick of the year.


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