Book Review by #LITEROMA: ‘Rukhsaar - A Women of Substance’ by Devi Raghuvanshi

** Thanks to author for sharing a review copy of the book. **

** Thanks to our reviewer Tee Kay for reviewing the book on behalf of #Literoma. **

First of all, a big thanks to Literoma and Author for gifting a review copy of the book. ‘Rukhsaar - A Women of Substance’ by Devi Raghuvanshi is a noteworthy effort by ‘Literoma Publishing Services’. The cover looks really fascinating which made me pick the book for review. It's equally commendable that as a publishing community, Literoma did a fantastic job by encouraging a novella written in simple Indian English to be taken to international publication. Even though Novels and short stories always have familiarity amongst the reader fraternity, novella has not much been explored as a genre in old Indian spectrum. We hope this book acts as one of the initial steps in building this much needed genre.

Coming to the contents, ‘Rukhsaar - A Women of Substance’ is the story of a young lady named Rukhsaar – starting from how her life bloomed in youth till it faded in the winds mysteriously going through lots of turns and twists as she counted years of her life. The narrative is really very good and has been ably edited. A more detailed storyline would make my review a spoiler, so I shall refrain from doing so here. But I will must vet at one point, senior readers looking for a bold storyline with a social backdrop, should read the book to explore an unknown chapter of Indian society through the journey of Rukhsaar. Author's lucid writing style will make the job easier for readers who can easily finish it off over a night.

Overall, I would like to rate it as 5*/5*. Not recommended for funky passing reading.


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