Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Travel Tales DIARY #1: Bengal on Wheels" by Reetwika Banerjee

** Thanks to the author for sharing a review copy of the book.**

** Thanks to our reviewer Swapna Peri for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Book Title: Travel Tales: DIARY #1: BENGAL ON WHEELS
Author:  Reetwika Banerjee
Format: Paperback & Kindle

Book Title:
The title of the book ‘ Travel Tales: DIARY #1: BENGAL ON WHEELS ‘ is very self-explanatory and interesting.

Book Cover:
The cover image of the book is the picture of the most infamously famous abandoned mosque near Kolkata. The image really intrigued me to read the book in one go.

Inside the book:
Since some days, I’ve been reviewing a few books recently where a city is in the foreground of the story but mostly in a fictional story. Most of the times it is either Mumbai or Delhi or Hyderabad. And because I have been to these cities, I could vividly picture the places and culture while reading the book.

Though there are few fiction books I read that are set up in the city of Kolkata alone and not any other place in the state of West Bengal, this book has opened gates to explore new places in the city. I would not mention exactly the places but the themes and genres vary from religious places to pleasure seeking ones, haunted to abandoned places,  riches to rags places, birthplaces to tombs and, any such.

The best part of reading the book is also to have a surreal experience because of the various photographs present in each chapter.

While reading a travel book which is also a nonfiction one, the reader usually goes off the pace due to so much of information he gets but here author Reetwika does it with her own tinge of creativity. She did not stick herself to the usual style of narration but brings in fiction, nuances of romance perfectly amalgamated with history, culture and individual opinion.

Language & Grammar:
Simple and clear language helps the readers to read the book with a smooth pace.

My Ratings:-

Book Title: 4/5
Book Cover:4/5
Inside the book:4/5
Language & Grammar:4/5
Final Rating:4/5

My Final Verdict: An unknown encyclopedia of various places in West Bengal

All the Literoma reviews are available at our page:-


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