Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Lady in Red" by Dr. Shankar Kashyap

** Thanks to the author for gifting us a review copy of the book.**

** Thanks to our reviewer Kiran K Adharapuram for reviewing the book on behalf of #Literoma. **

Book Name: Lady in Red: A Collection of Love poems
Author: Shankar Kashyap
Format: Kindle Edition

A collection of love poetry like no other. There are forty five poems composed in different formats to suit the mood of the poem – Sonnet, ballad, Ode, Villanelle and Tanka. or those interested in Persian poetry, there are many in the form of Ghazals and Rubaiyat.

My View:
When it comes to literature “LOVE” & “Romance” always take the lead. As the title says this book is assemblage of 45 beautiful pearls.

The preface starts:
Love is a four letter word which has produced every emotion known to man.

Love is a beautiful feeling that every individual who is born in this word experiences it in many forms before he/she departs. Be it mother’s love, sibling love, elderly love etc etc.

The author has been successful in his book by exhibiting the love feel and made his readers experience the same in the form of Sonnet, Ghazal, Rubiayat, ballad, ode, tanka, villanelle.

Some verses are so good that it will not only make you read it many times but also you soak you in the ocean of love. These poems are lullaby’s to your heart. One of those which grabbed my attention is “A Perfect Flower”, this will literally take you on a virtual Amour journey.

Spoiler Alert:
All the poems in the book illustrate man spark towards his “Sugar baby“

There are few poesy’s on perfidy towards end which I personally felt could have be omitted in the interest of mood that the book carried until end. Cover page and title do compliment each other but is not in accordance to the content of this book. Author could have worked out for better ones.

My Pick:
1. My amazing beauty
2. The girl I fell in love with
3. Art of stealing

Overall I rate “Lady in Red: A Collection of Love poems by Dr. Shankar Kashyap" as 4*/5*. With an awesome collection of love poems in many forms, decent vocabulary, no complex word usages makes this book a lighter read. I suggest this to readers who are ready to dip in the sea of love to grab the copies immediately.

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