Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Abyss" by Sabarna Roy

** Thanks to the author for gifting us an ecopy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Writing play has become a lost art now-a-days. More so, from an Indian standpoint with typically Indian characters in the middle of it. The author successfully pulls this off. Kudos to him.

Officially, "Abyss" by Sabarna Roy is a full length play in two acts with an interval in between. But believe me, it is much more than that. Abyss presents the reader fraternity with a rare experience. It's a modern day crime thriller presented in the form of a play and not a novel. That's the first reason why I picked up this book to read over the last few days.

It not just succeeds in maintaining the thrill aspect going without disturbing basic premises of a play but also creates a lasting impression in reader's mind with a visual flair. To quote the author, "It is essentially a racy crime thriller full of gritty suspense. Act one builds up slowly to result in a crescendo of conflicts between personalities and ideas finally to end with an unnatural death before the interval. Is it a suicide or a murder? Act two evolves through a series of incisive interrogations to unravel the truth, which is deeply disturbing and affecting."

Author Sabarna Roy who had authored multiple other books of different genres including stories and poems wowed his versatility through this work. Also, this is an excellent material for someone who is looking to stage a play. I will surely look forward to his next work.

My rating of the book is 4.5*/5*. This is a fascinating read for any reader who miss the classical English playwrites in modern times.

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