Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Abyss" by Sabarna Roy

** Thanks to the author for gifting us an ecopy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Abyss - my liking for reading this book starts right from the cover page. Though they say, a book should not be judged by its cover but for me it plays a very vital role in making the first choice whether to read or not. Roy's Abyss passed the first test very successfully for such a choosy reader like me. The cover page conveys a message of mystery and uncertainty which befits best as an ingredient of crime thriller.

The second point of liking that worked for me was its genre. It's an English play with Indian characters. Yes, that's true. Abyss is a play written by Sabarna Roy which is full of gritty suspense. As the author says, "The highpoints of the play are its central conflict between a mother and her daughter and its female sleuth – Renuka."

The core story is bound to touch you where the liking for the work begins from the cover page itself. And I can fairly say that the content that followed the cover did not dissapoint me at all. I would not like to spoil the reading experience of new readers by disclosing important twists but as far as my verdict goes, with every page a layer of thrill unveils. The two acts that form the play are effortlessly interwoven by the author.

Sabarna Roy does not cease to amaze his readers with his range of writing. The same writer who had done a brilliant job in writing poems and stories had done a jaw-dropping job in writing the crime play as well. Hats off to Mr. Roy for treating his readers with such a lovely read.

My rating of Roy's Abyss is 4.1*/5*. Strongly recommended for play lovers and crime thriller readers.

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