Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Frosted Glass" by Sabarna Roy

** Thanks to the author for gifting us an ecopy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

While reading a work of fiction you generally don't look forward to science. However, the book 'Frosted Glass' is written on the basis of a science neatly drawn by the author Sabarna Roy. He had used the concept of keeping the same name of the protagonist RAHUL throughout the stories told in this book. The so called character is actually an amalgamation of different reflections of human traits exhibited by mostly by the male factor in all of us in the modern day society.

As remarked by author himself, "The stories, compactly written and marked by insightful dialogues that raise contemporary issues like man-woman relationships and its strains, morals and ethics, environmental degradation, class inequality, rapid and mass-scale unmindful urbanization, are devoid of sentimentalisation."

The other point that sets this book apart is the backdrop used - though Kolkata had been the backdrop used by many master authors earlier. Nowadays, that's a rarity. It's great to see gifted authors like Sabarna Roy had took it on themselves to revive that lost saga.

Last but not the least, mixing up two entirely different forms - poems and stories is an art and the author well and truly has mastered that. I will surely look forward to read more of his works in future.

"Frosted Glass" by Sabarna Roy for me scores 4.5*/5*. The extra 0.5 is for the Kolkata factor. 

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