Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "RANDOM SUBTERRANEAN MOSAIC: 2012 – 2018" by Sabarna Roy

** Thanks to the author for gifting us an ecopy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

The contents are as uncommon as the book title. 'Mosaic' is so aptly used in context of the overall theme and genre of the book. A combination of nano tales and verses, this book won my heart again. Well Sabarna's alter ego Rahul has made a comeback here with equal jolt. Through his eyes you can discover a new world, sometimes good at times worse than what you can imagine. That's what makes Rahul an important fictional shadow of the author's inner eye.

Sabarna seems to love travel like a freak as most of his backdrops in this book are based at lovely places around the world, mostly within Asia Pacific regions apart from his native city Calcutta.

"One evening, Rahul vanished from his home in Calcutta." Is that a wish of the author too? Well, for that we need to wait for his interview. Having said that, well everything is good but a fatal editing mistake at the beginning of the book where book title is spelled wrongly spoiled my intial mood of reading the actual contents. It should be rectified immediately in next edition - it should be spelled 'mosaic' and not 'mosiac'.

My overall verdict of the book will be 3.5*/5*.

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