Book Review by #LITEROMA :: "Abyss" by Sabarna Roy

** Thanks to the author for gifting us an ecopy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Abyss is a rare piece of literary work written by a rare piece of literary talent - Mr. Sabarna Roy. It’s a social thriller written in the form of a play. The quality of the conversations depicted in this particular work is simply superb. The same goes for the way the climax has been built. With these two basic components of a play in place, the story gets nicely set up throughout the pages. The most notable part of the book is how the balance has been maintained in both acts of the play.

The only mood spoiler is the quality of the editing done. That’s something which could have been better. Having said that the play qualifies the test of novelty thanks to the writing skill of the writer. So, my sincere request to all the readers will be to give the book a shot.

Abyss is an insanely thrilling play in my views. My rating -3.5*/5*.

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