Book Review by #LITEROMA: "Blahman and the Attack of the Wicked Zombies" by Srijan Kabra

** Thanks to the author for sharing a Kindle copy for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Book Title: Blahman and the Attack of the Wicked Zombies
Author: Srijan Kabra
Language: English
Category: Comic Fiction
Type: Novella
No of pages: <100
Genre: Fantasy
Target Readers: Kids and children below 15 years

I mean I could not imagine looking at the book that it is written by a kid of hardly 8-12 years! The well balanced imagaries, rational fantasies, comic strips with controlled usage of English language makes it a complete read for me. To be honest, I am not much into children literature these days, but this book made me fall in love with the genre again. Srijan's parents and teachers must keep motivating him to write more.

The cover looks captivating, beautifully capturing the essence of the contents packed inside. More so, because the illustrations are done by the little author himself.

The concept of throwback questions at the end of the book was very new and I liked it. Children often tend to test the knowledge of adults, which is so perfectly captured in this attempt.

The cartoon tips at the end is also worth applauding. For a kid it is definitely not easy to conceptualize new depictions and keep repeating them consistently adding emotions to their faces and gestures. Wow!

Only one recommendation for Srijan - with due respect to all his skills, the script looked very common like popular POGO or CN programs. Parents might guide him to build original concepts from his next book so that it adds more thrill to seasoned readers like me.

No literary piece is free or editing errors, but this being a creative of a kiddo, those could be easily overlooked. However for the publisher, I will like to suggest for professional editing as the book looks more like a kid's online comic diary than a published book. Lots of formatting gaps (for ex: usage of abrupt CAPS and red colours), overlooked spelling mistakes and punctuation errors spoil the reading experience to certain extent.

I am not going to disclose the storyline by telling it in my review here. Already it is mentioned in the Amazon book description note. Nonetheless, I cannot stop appreciating Srijan's characterization skills, especially about superpower concepts, school going besties like Aven & Steven and many others. Do I see Srijan's own shadow in these characters?

Overall it is a brilliant attempt by Srijan. My rating of the book is 4*/5*. I wish him all the very best with his future titles. Would love to experience more of his comic reads.

All Literoma reviews are available on our blog.


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