A tete-e-tete with Aero Jackson - the teenager novelist of 'Trapped in the Rage of Revenge'

1. You are at the edge of adulthood but your novel is A rated. Any thoughts on this?
■ I have always had a wild taste in books even when I was only a reader . I was a reviewer for a few years but I only reviewed thrillers . My proclivity in crime thrillers is clearly reflected in my writing as well .  The A rating suggests an intense narration which was a deliberate attempt to bring out the brutality of terrorism . While many might like to shut out the dark reality , none can deny the sheer horror of being subject to atrocities by militants. 

2. How much of Aero can be found in your characters?
■ When I started writing my own book I decided to give all my characters a little part of my personality., both good and bad  It kept me committed to the story. I emphasize on loyal friendship a lot . One of my characters is highly inspired from a close friend . Some of my characters also have aggressive traits like unrestrained frustration 

3. Is there anything you found challenging while writing the book ? Do you think you overcame all the challenges successfully? 
■ It was particularly difficult to deliver a gruesome storyline and strike a balance between hardcore reality and a congenial train of characters but I am quite satisfied with how it all worked out in the end . 

4. Your novel is tagged as a 'strangely unfamiliar novel'.  Can you tell us what stands out in your book ?
■ This book tries to combine multiple perceptions of each situarion. It explores the emotions and moral burden that people carry as a consequence of their actions . While many will tell stories about victims of militancy , few will do it from a terrorist's prospective .

5. If you can say little about the storyline (kind of a teaser) for your readers?
■ The story is centred around a billionaire girl abducted by a militant group and her strong determination to go home . While she is devising an escape plan , she realizes she needs an ally . Whether she finds one and whether she at all goes home in the end is for the readers to find out !

6. Any message for Literoma community members and your readers?
■ The book also explores mental health issues. If you identify with them , try not to get triggered and derive strength from them instead . More than winning the battle it is important to never give up . It is important to always keep fighting . If you read the book with an open mind , there are multiple underlying facets of the story . A book with multiple faces is always exciting to read ! I would be more than obliged if my readers reach out to me with their thoughts on the book .

7. Are you planning for your next book?
■ Yes , I am already halfway a new project and it's going great !

8. What is that  one thing you would like to do to become a better writer ? 
■ I would love to explore genres . I think writing a book series is also a great way to engage in insightful writing .
9. Where do your readers find you ? 
■ You can find me on

I also connect with my audience via email on aeroj16official@gmail.com 


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