#LITEROMA Book Review :: "Dear Russell, Yours Truly" by Avantika Debnath

** Thanks to the author for gifting us a Kindle copy of the book for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

‘Dear Russell, Yours Truly’ is a wonderful collection of seven power-packed short stories written by a very promising writer Ms. Avantika Debnath. Ms. Debnath already created ripples of popularity in the literary domain through her debut book ‘The Bridal Pyre - Nainam Dahati Pawakah’. We’re sure her second book ‘Dear Russel, Yours Truly’ has enough power to turn that ripple into waves of popularity.

The liking for the book starts with the subjects picked for the seven stories. It continues throughout for the beautiful story telling done by the author. However, what amazes the readers the most is the way the stories get concluded. Each story ends in the most unlikely way.

Book cover is also good. Editing gaps are there but can be ignored keeping in mind the quality contents.

Our rating of the book is 4.6*/5*. The book ticks a check in almost all the necessary ingredients of a good short story collection - well built characters, fluent build ups and twisted endings. So, without waiting further, grab a copy of the book and spice up your quarantine phase.

All the Literoma reviews are available at our page:-

Read it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/Russell-Yours-Truly-Avantika-Debnath-ebook/dp/B087673H9P/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=avantika+debnath&qid=1588243863&sr=8-1


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