#LITEROMA Book Review: "Emergency Ward" by Revant Bhatia

** Thanks to the author for sharing a print copy for review. **

** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

Book Title: Emergency Ward

Author: Revant Bhatia

Language: English

Category: Short Fiction

Type: Novella

No of pages: <60

Target Readers: Young adults

True to its sub-title - a short novella! Hardly enclosed within 50 odd pages, but the content is quite dense. As they rightly say, a book should not be judged by its cover, but my first reason of picking up the book was its cover and the thinness. Time is very short in hand for us all, especially for quick read hunters like me; so this book was a perfect fit.

The core story centres around a young guy and his uncle, who faces lots of hardships and haunting facts of family, suddenly turning his hunky dory life into a different orbit. But at the end, he emerges out of it with lots of learnings. Do I see Revant's own shadow in his protagonist? 

The plot and descriptions are so cinematic that it often gives the feel of reading a film script. In fact, being a short filmmaker and scriptwriter, I myself was lost in his scene settings so much so that, it left a visual appeal. The well balanced imagaries, rational fantasies, icebreakers with controlled usage of English language make it a complete read for me. 

I am not going to disclose the storyline by telling it in my review here. Already it is mentioned in the Amazon book description note. However, no literary piece is free or editing errors, but this being a creative of a young author, those could be easily overlooked. However for the publisher, I will like to strongly suggest professional editing in next edition.

Overall it is a good attempt by Revant. My rating of the book is 4*/5*. I wish him all the very best with his future titles. Would love to experience more.

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