#LITEROMA Book Review :: ‘Yes Sir I killed My Mom !: The Mommy Killer’ by Anuj Tikku

  ** Thanks to our reviewer for reviewing the book on behalf of Literoma. **

‘Yes Sir I killed My Mom !: The Mommy Killer’ by actor turned author Anuj Tikku brings an insight to the world of extramarital affairs and subsequent crimes in a high society. Well I am not going to discuss the plot as part of this review and act as a spoilsport but must say couple of things - Anuj does know how to grab a reader's attention. The disturbing cover and an equally catchy book title were the first two things which made me read his book again.  

All the chapters are narrated with precise details. Starting from a hunky dory life of a high class family to the fall of characters and then the bloody climax - I mean just wow. Only spoiler in the entire reading journey is the poor editing quality. I guess we had mentioned this in our earlier reviews too. It, at times, seem that the raw manuscript itself has been published without any professional proofing. Author, if in a writing spree, may consider using any basic spell checker app, to save cost and time of copyediting. 

We would like to wish Mr. Tikku, the author, all the very best for his future writing stints. Readers looking for adult contents, would land up on the right plane. 

Our overall rating: 3.5*/5*.

All the Literoma reviews are available at our page:-



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